EV designed boxes are made to the highest specifications. EV delivery boxes are double layered fiberglass reinforced and is resistent to damage from scratches, dropping, and will not crack or fade with time. There is no cutting corners as we set our goals to the highest expectations of our customers when their business relies on deliveries.
Have a look at our designs and just think - a fleet of EV designed bikes mounted with our boxes and with your brand theme and color in front of your shop. With each delivery to your clients they will see and feel your brand and it will deliver a message of your professionalism and quality.
Talk to us about the management of your delivery assets - vehicles, boxes and you will see the value of our service. Start off with the right feet for your management and of your delivery vehicles, it will save you alot of time in the learning curve. It will be one of the successes of your delivery business.
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